Dedicated to the memory of Emily Tear

Emily was a gorgeous and much loved 21 year old who was tragically killed as a result of a car accident.She had always supported the NSPCC because of her love for children. She is greatly missed by her family and friends, who will always feel her absence.


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Messages left with donations to the NSPCC in memory of Emily from family and friends. Still miss you Em. Alan Tear 24 December 2017 Happy Birthday Em! xxx Alan Tear 28 June 2017 Happy birthday gorgeous girl xxx Pamela Canning 28 June 2017 Missing you as much as ever xxxxx Pamela Canning 24 December 2016 In memory of a lovely daughter. Alan Tear 24 December 2016 Today would have been Emily's 26th birthday. Miss you lots Em. Alan Tear 28 June 2016 I still think about you every day Em. xxxx Alan Tear 24 December 2015 I wish I could be buying you Christmas presents as well. Miss you and love you xxxxx Pamela Canning 24 December 2015 Happy Birthday Em, miss you more than words can say xxxx Pamela Canning 28 June 2015 Emily would have been 25 today. I still miss her lots. Alan Tear 28 June 2015 We who love you will never forget. Love and miss you loads Em. Pam and Marc xxxxxx Pamela Canning 28 June 2014 I still miss you Em. xxx Alan Tear 26 June 2014 Still miss you lots Em. xxxx Alan Tear 19 January 2014 Love you Em xxxxx Pamela Canning 13 November 2013 I still think about you often and miss you very much. B M Tear 30 July 2013 Happy Birthday Em, miss you loads xxxxxxxxxx Pamela Canning 28 June 2013 Still missing you every day, but especially on your birthday. Alan Tear 28 June 2013 Always thinking of you and your family, especially on your birthday. Rachel Madden 28 June 2013 In memory of a lovely granddaughter Beryl Margaret Tear 30 January 2013 Thinking of you and your family at Christmas. From Rachel, Val and Helen Rachel Madden 23 December 2012 Still miss you lots Em. Alan Tear 08 December 2012 Miss you and love you Em, not being able to tell you that still hurts so much.xxxxx Pamela Canning 31 October 2012 Thinking of you, Emily, on your birthday. Rachel, Helen & Val xxx Rachel Madden 28 June 2012 In loving memory. You and your family are in our thoughts often. God bless, Karen and Francesca Wilmott. Karen Wilmott 28 June 2012 If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will. Happy Birthday Em xxx Marc Canning 28 June 2012 In memory of my lovely daughter on her birthday. So wonderful to think of, so hard to be without. Alan Tear 28 June 2012 Happy Birthday Em. Miss you so much xxxxxx Pamela Canning 28 June 2012 I still miss you lots Em. XXX Alan Tear 03 May 2012 I miss you so much Em. This donation is instead of bringing you back a present from Belgium. Love you forever xxxxx Pamela Canning 03 April 2012 In loving memory Mary & Andy 09 March 2012 Thinking of you xx Sarah and James Sarah Roberts 08 March 2012 RIP sweetie Love and miss you always Stephanie Futcher 01 March 2012 I miss you so much Em, I always will. Love you loads xx Pamela Canning 29 February 2012 A total of £190 pounds in cheques and £313.60 in cash was donated in memory of Emily at her funeral, with many thanks to all for your generosity Alan Tear 29 February 2012 Goodbye to a lovely Granddaughter, Lot's of Love from Grannie Beryl Tear 29 February 2012 Our hearts go out to you, Emily, and our sincere condolences to your family. Adrian Morrish 24 February 2012 So very sad for you and your family, Emily. Always in our thoughts. Stella Morrish 24 February 2012 You are greatly missed by all Emily, you touched the hearts of those around you. X Holly Marie Knight 24 February 2012 Missing you always Em. You'll never leave my thoughts and i'll always have such fond memories xxxx Olivia Mcbain Morrish 24 February 2012 Em you will be forever missed, forever loved and never forgotten xxx Amy Allen 24 February 2012 Sweet dreams, Emily. x James Sopper 22 February 2012 Thinking of your family at this very difficult time. love Ros and Steve Ros Rayner 21 February 2012 This is the total of cash donations made at Emily's funeral. Many thanks for your generosity. Anonymous 20 February 2012 Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. I miss you terribly Alan Tear 20 February 2012
1st April 2021
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Emily. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by NSPCC on 22/03/2021
Though you can't see or touch me, I will be near. And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear, All my love around you soft and clear.
Extract from a poem called To Those Whom I Love & Those Who Love Me